czwartek, 30 marca 2023

Sisters of Sigmar - Augur

Here's my kitbash of a Sisters of Sigmar Augur form Mordheim :)

Na kobiecy karnawał Wołka złożyłem panią Augur do mordheimowych Sióstr Sigmara.


sobota, 25 marca 2023

Gnarlspirit Pack

The Gnarlspirit Pack are a band of Darkoath outcast warriors consumed by an animalistic spirits. They can satiate their inner beasts only by slaughtering anything or anyone luckless enough to stray into their path.

Warhammer Underworlds - Gnarlspirit Pack

Sarrakkar Blackwing / Crimson Kheira /
Gorl Spinehammer / Lupan Longcut

A long overdue Gnarlspirit Pack group picture / Zaległa foteczka grupowa Warczącej Watahy 

czwartek, 23 marca 2023

Grinkrak's Looncourt - Snorbo da Spore

Another member of Grinkrak's Looncourt: Snorbo da Spore. 

Kolejny krok ku zapełnieniu dworu Grinkraka: skończony Snorbo da Spore.

Grinkrak's Looncourt - Snorbo da Spore (diagonal front)

Grinkrak's Looncourt - Snorbo da Spore (diagonal back)

Grinkraks's Looncourt - Pointy Burk, Snorbo da Spore & Moonface Nagz

sobota, 18 marca 2023

Sons of Velmorn

Filled with resolve even in death, King Velmorn and his sons still wage a bitter war to defend their shattered domain. The living who dare trespass upon Velmorn's lands, find their minds overwhelmed by the Wight King's cursed crown, and soon turn their blades against allies and comrades.

czwartek, 16 marca 2023

Sons of Velmorn - Helmar

I've finished Sons of Velmorn. Check out Helmar the Hewer today and a group photo on Saturday.

Kończę Sons of Velmorn! Dziś Hemar, w sobotę fotka grupowa.

czwartek, 9 marca 2023

Grinkrak's Looncourt - Pointy Burk

The second goblin from Grinkrak's Looncourt Warhammer Underworlds warband: Pointy Burk. 

Drugi goblinek z underworldsowej ekipy Grinkrak's Looncourt: Pointy Burk.

Grinkraks's Looncourt - Pointy Burk (front)

Grinkraks's Looncourt - Pointy Burk (back)

Grinkraks's Looncourt - Pointy Burk & Moonface Nagz

czwartek, 2 marca 2023

Sons of Velmorn - Thain

After a short break I'm coming back to posting miniatures from Sons of Velmorn Warhammer Underworlds warband. Here's Thain, Fourth-and-Last.

Po przerwie na czterech pancernych wracam do publikacji ludków z underworldsowej ekipy Sons of Velmorn. Dziś Thain.

Sons of Velmorn - Thain, Fourth-and-Last (front)

Sons of Velmorn - Thain, Fourth-and-Last (back)